This is one the best local rides, and has 641 curves with over 3,500' of elevation changes in 156 miles. We took I-84 west from Boise onto northbound Eagle Rd, and cut east on Beacon Light Rd to the Chevron staging area. Next, north on Hwy 55 to Banks, and followed eastbound Banks-Lowman Rd to Crouch for lunch at the Longhorn Restaurant & Saloon. We got back on Banks-Lowman Rd to Lowman, and rode south on Hwy 21 to Harley's Pub in Idaho City for cold ones before returning to Boise.

Parked out front of the patio area outside the Longhorn Restaurant & Saloon are Mitch & Cheryl's VN1600, Kurt & Connie's 1500LC, Grumbler & Wildcat's VN1500, VTX1800 owned by Wes, plus the FLHRC of JD & Brenda.

Seated clockwise from left are Wes, Kurt, Connie, Cheryl, Mitch, JD, Brenda, and Wildcat. Grumbler was hiding behind the camera.

Our scoots basked in the sun while we all enjoyed a fine lunch in the shade here in Crouch.

We didn't take this bridge out of Crouch (el 3021') which straddles the Middle Fork Payette River as the road isn't paved on to the east unlike the western side.

On the north side of Crouch is this cool, old library. It was closed that day. Notice the sign sagging in middle above the mural.

We pulled off Hwy 21 several miles south of Lowman. You can see the road otherwise known as Ponderosa Pine Scenic Byway hugging the mountain.

We decided to take a scenic break (well, a couple of dudes hadda empty their undersized waterbags). Bruce & Kathy met us here on their V-Strom before tearing off for Idaho City.

We stopped here at Harley's Pub in Idaho City for some cold ones. It's interesting to note whether folks park their rides in the shade or out in the sun. The cool bikes are in the shade while the hot bikes are in the sun, right? ;^)

Motorcycle parking at Harley's Pub. Usually, there'll be bikes on this well groomed dirt lot as well as out on the main drag. Horseshoe pits are way out in the back.

Looking out from the end of the lot at Harley's Pub is the paved main drag. Can see quite a few ATVs riding around these parts, and they also like to stop here for beverages.

This is a great place to hang. Clockwise from left are Bruce, JD (checking out jukebox), Brenda, duh, Kurt, and Wildcat.

View through window from top floor of Harley's Pub. Man, it sure was an enjoyable 156 mile ride. :-)

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